/ / What to Write in a Junk Journal – Prompts and Ideas

What to Write in a Junk Journal – Prompts and Ideas

Junk Journal

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There comes a point in the junk journaling process where you’ve made a beautiful junk journal – you’ve made the cover, the signatures, stitched it all up beautifully (maybe even with a criss-cross stitch spine) and you’ve filled it with gorgeous embellishments. 

Now what? I mean… it’s a journal so you need to write in it, right? Well maybe not. There are lots of ways you can use your junk journal after all but if you do want to use it as a journal in the traditional sense… what do you write in your junk journal?

The answer is, you should write whatever you want. Use your junk journal as an everyday log of your day, your thoughts or as a record of special moments. Use your journal to help you dig deeper on a subject, and use it to journal scripture, study notes or keep special quotes.  Or you can write in your junk journal for more practical things like tracking a budget, a food diary or as a recipe keeper. 

There are so many uses, it can get overwhelming. 

If you’re suffering from some writer’s block – don’t worry! You are not alone. We’ve all been there. 

Sometimes I create my junk journals with a specific purpose in mind and know what I want to write in them, but other times I just sit in front of a blank page and feel stuck. 

So I’ve started gathering up some ideas and journal prompts to help get through that junk journal writer’s block and hopefully it helps you as well!

Junk Journal Writing Prompts & Ideas

We can all use prompts and ideas to unstick us from time to time. Even the best writers need them to help get some ideas going or help them reimagine how they can journal in a new way. Use these to get you thinking and then come up with your own new ideas! 

Everyday Junk Journal Writing Prompts: 

Using your journal as an everyday log prompts: 

  • Write about the most interesting part of your day today
  • Write about what was seemingly the most boring part of your day, but write about it as if it was the most interesting thing you’d done this month
  • Write about something cute a pet did today 
  • Write down a mundane conversation you had over coffee or a meal today
  • Write down the weather and temperature in a corner and sketch a scene from outside of your window next to it

Using your journal as a gratitude journal:

  • Write about the a moment today that you are thankful for
  • Write about a conversation you had with a loved one that you cherish
  • Write about something that you take for granted and want to remind yourself to be more thankful for

Using your journal to record special moments:

  • Write about a time you recently spent with a spouse that was memorable
  • Write about a family gathering that made you smile 
  • Write about a loved one that you’ve lost and a time the two of you laughed together

Using your journal for scripture: 

  • Pick your favorite scripture passage and write about why that passage is so meaningful to you
  • Pick a scripture passage that you struggle with and write about why you find it challenging
  • Pick a scripture passage that always lifts you up when you are down and journal about the times that it has lifted you up. Come back to it in the future to continue adding to these moments. 

Using your journal for quotes: 

  • Write down a quote from someone famous that you admire and journal about why that quote is meaningful to you
  • Write down a quote that makes you feel more confident when you’re feeling down
  • Write down a quote that always makes you think harder about a certain subject
  • Write down a quote that is your motto in life 
  • Write down a quote that always makes you laugh or smile

Practical Junk Journal Writing Prompts: 

Using your journal for studying: 

  • Summarize all of your notes into a one page reference guide
  • Use the journaling cards in your junk journal to create flashcards for your next exam 
  • Use flips and tucks to journal extra information you need to review 

Using your journal for budget tracking: 

  • Create a habit tracker to list out all the ways you spend money on things you want but don’t need. At the end of the month, journal ideas for how you can reduce that spending.
  • Create daily and monthly budget sheets and make a habit of filling them in on a nightly basis. Spend some time journaling about how you spent money wisely this month.
  • Create a goals page where you track all of your spending goals for the upcoming month or year. Then create a second page of pockets where the inserts are rewards for meeting your goals. Write down those rewards and what you need to do to meet them in those inserts – including positive words of encouragement. (Once you meet your goal, you get your reward! Plus these can be reused for future months/years to come.)

Use your journal as a food diary: 

  • Create a log of all the foods you eat everyday and use it to track foods that make you feel better or worse. Write a few notes each day on how you’re feeling. 
  • Create a log of all the different foods and treats you try on a trip. Note the ones you love and the ones you hate, what made them special, and make sure you glue in some of the packaging and labels for your favorites so that you can find some more to take home

Use your journal as a recipe journal: 

  • Log the foods you cook each week and create a rating system for trying them again
  • Create a series of pockets that hold small journaling cards or cut up index cards. Print or write new recipes on the front side. When you’re not sure what to cook, pick one and try it.  If you don’t like the recipe, ditch the card. If you made adjustments, write those adjustments on the back of the card and move it to where you keep recipes you want to remake!
  • Create an heirloom recipe journal out of one of your unused junk journals. At your next family gathering, ask each family member to bring their favorite family recipe and a story about learning how to cook that recipe, the person that made it or how they taught it to their children or grandchildren.  Pair each recipe and the story on a page of your journal. 

Still learning how to make junk journals? Check out our ultimate guide: How to Make a Junk Journal

Need more tips and ideas for junk journaling?

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One Comment

  1. Thank you. I have been doing creative multi media journals. Looking at others projects helps inspiration.

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